Former Google Chief Eric Schmidt drones on about drones
US Army should ditch tanks in favour of AI-powered Drones
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has called for a radical shift in US military strategy. He urges the Army to scrap its “useless” tanks in favour of AI-powered drones.

White house orders spooks to use AI tools
Accelerate adoption
The White House is directing the Pentagon and intelligence agencies to accelerate their adoption of artificial intelligence.

US Army could waste $22 billion on Voleware
Soldiers not that interested in Microsoft HoloLens headsets
The US Army could end up wasting much as $22 billion in taxpayer cash on Microsoft HoloLens headsets which soldiers don’t want and can’t use as intended.

Russian army faces 21st century problem.
Soldiers with phones
The Washington Post reports Russian troops in Ukraine "have relied, with surprising frequency, on unsecured communication devices such as smartphones and push-to-talk radios."

Polish army gets cyber component
Staying ahead of things
The nation whose “winged hussars” were the terror of Europe has decided to invest to provide a cyber component in its army.

Army comes up with a drone killing microwave
Can also pop corn and reheat coffee and pizzas
The Pentagon notified Congress of its purchase of a microwave weapon system designed to knock down swarms of enemy drones with pulses of energy.

US army to trash the First Law of Robotics
Desperate to automate AI
US generals already see AI as the next big weapon in their arsenal, and while the rest of the world is worried about AI breaking Azimov's first law of robotics, it would appear that the military wants robot troops killing humans on the battlefield by next Tuesday.

Flameproof Lithium batteries developed
Notify Samsung
A team of Americian Army boffins have emerged from their back-rooms with lithium ion batteries that are resistant to exploding or catching fire.

Trump creates a new cyber command
Free of the involvement of the pesky NSA
After months of delay, the Trump administration is finalising plans to revamp the nation's military command for defensive and offensive cyber operations.

Siemens develops spider army
Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Siemens
German manufacturing giant Siemens has developed an army of robot spiders which can work together to build 3D print structures and parts in real time.