iPhone 7 will stop working properly soon
We doubt anyone will notice
iPhone owners who have been saving money by using older phones and not updating their iOS are going to have a nasty surprise later this year.

Qualcomm posts bonds to enforce iPhone 7 / 8 Germany ban
Investigative dive: Apple or 3400 distributors cannot sell 7 or 8
Qualcomm has posted a bond to enforce an iPhone 7 / 8 Germany ban and affecting immediately Apple or its 3400 distributors which are not allowed to sell, distributive or import iPhone 7 or 8 and plus variants of both. Apple has been in dispute with Qualcomm over licensing and lost the hardware patent case in a German court in Munich on December 20th, 2018. After Qualcomm posted a bond, the permanent injunction is immediately enforceable.

Apple fanboys spurn iPhone 8
The iPhone 7 is just as good
The fruity cargo cult Apple is facing its first serious religious schism as fanboys reject the religion’s central premise that you must upgrade your expensive phone every year.

iPhone 7 ships with glitch feature
Every fanboy wants it
Apple fanboys owners have been counting themselves lucky to find another feature in their iPhone 7 which causes the device to hang for a few seconds before it restarts the mobile operating system.

Exploding Note 7 did not help Apple
Analyst angers the Tame Apple Press
NPD analyst Stephen Baker is off the Christmas Card list of the members of the Tame Apple Press which are furious that he made a comment saying that Apple had failed to capitalise on Samsung’s exploding Note 7.

Worst, most expensive, pointless, tastless smartphone appears
Iphone 7 compresses more suck than a Dyson
If you had to come up with the world’s worst phone you would have to put the money trapping iPhone 7 close to the top of the list.

Apple’s battery woes spread
New upgrades make unaffected iPhone 6s sick
Apple seems to be serious in its cunning plan to get users to update to the iPhone 7, by issuing an update which was supposed to fix a problem with the iPhone 6s battery but actually spread the problem instead.

Apple copies Samsung’s flaming Note
No recall just denies it is happening
Apple’s iPhone 6 has started catching fire in the Far East, but rather than arranging a recall, like its rival Samsung, Jobs’ Mob is denying that it is happening.

Apple slashes iPhone orders
Doing worse than expected
The fruity tax-doging cargo-cult Apple has been forced to slash its orders for the iPhone 7 family because it is not doing as well as it expected.

Samsung is still the number one mobile maker
Apple did not cash in on Note 7 fiasco
Samsung Electronics is still the number one global seller of smartphones in spite of the Galaxy Note 7 fiasco.