Xiaomi boss Lei Jun stunned by Jobs' Mob's car U-turn
Why couldn't they get it to start?
Self-professed Apple fanboy and Xiaomi boss Lei Jun is stunned after the fruity cargo cult pulled out of the car market.

Fake Joe Rogan interviews fake Steve Jobs
Nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about....
Play.ht, a voice synthesis company based in Dubai has published a fictional podcast where an AI version of comedian and podcast host Joe Rogan interviews Apple’s founder Steve Jobs.

Apple staff concerned about Jobs' Mob monitoring
We thought we didn't do that sort of thing
Apple's move to scan its cloud for kiddie porn has managed to upset Apple staff who are concerned that the outfit is breaking its own privacy policies.

Steve Jobs blocked Amazon Kindle purchases
Antitrust inquiry into Apple's antics
According to a collection of internal emails recently released by lawmakers, as part of the House Judiciary Committee's antirust probe into Apple, a series of Amazon advertisements prompted Steve Jobs and Phil Schiller to block in-app purchases of Kindle books on iOS.

Space engineer revolts against Steve Jobs’ dream
Creates a rotary mobile phone
Justine Haupt, 34, hates smartphones and has built her own with no LED screen, a clunky antenna and a rotary dial.

How the PC outlived Steve Jobs
Even in Apple land
The Tame Apple Press, in its bid to push its favourite company, made a staggering claim – thanks to Steve Jobs and his iPad the PC was officially dead.

How Steve Jobs helped wipe out the planet
Yearly product cycles caused carbon footprint to accelerate
When alien archaeologists comb through the wreckage of our dead planet they will be forced to conclude that the electronics industry decisions to market products that last a year before needing to be renewed was a key factor.

US Navy regrets following Jobs’ dream
Touchscreens led to destroyer collision
The US Navy has worked out that using touchscreens to run its throttle and helm controls on its destroyers was a dumb idea.

How Steve Jobs killed off the British sex drive
No sex please we are British
When Steve Jobs popularised smartphone technology he had no idea that he would be personally responsible for stopping British people from having sex.

Apple has slipped behind in new designs says Woz
I wanna folding phone
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has complained that Jobs' Mob is falling behind in innovation.