Pixel 4a users face unexplained battery woes
Bit of a mess
Many Pixel 4a owners are experiencing drastically reduced battery life following an unusual update for this end-of-life phone.

Google announces voluntary exit programme
Platforms & Devices division gutted
Google has announced a voluntary exit programme for employees in its Platforms & Devices division, offering severance packages to those who leave.

Meanie EU is punishing us for being clever moans Google
Nothing to do with being an evil monopoly
Search engine outfit Google has moaned to Europe’s top court that the big mean European Commission was punishing it for being innovative.

Surge in Internet traffic in 2024
Cloudflare sees 17.2 per cent growth
Cloudflare’s 2024 Internet Traffic Report reveals a notable 17.2 per cent global surge in internet traffic, underscoring the continued expansion of the digital world.

Abandon WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Signal, FBI warns
Encryption and public safety concerns
The FBI has issued an urgent call to iPhone and Android users, urging them to reconsider using popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Signal.

Google's end-to-end encryption in Messaging App claims pooh
Misleading Security Claims
Tech blogger John Gruber has slammed Google over its claims that its text-messaging app, Google Messages, ensures "conversations are end-to-end encrypted."

Apple gear easier for coppers to knock over than Android
Graykey struggles with Android
The Tame Apple Press is somewhat shocked to discover that Graykey, a forensic tool used by coppers to unlock modern smartphones, does really well against their favourite shiny gadgets.

Huawei unveils Mate 70 Series with new HarmonyOS Next
One in the eye for US sanctions
Huawei has announced its new Mate 70 series smartphone lineup, which will be the first to feature the company's new HarmonyOS Next operating system that doesn't rely on Google's Android services and won't run any Android apps.

DoJ wants the Fall of Chrome
Breaking up Google’s monopoly
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has intensified its antitrust actions against Google, proposing a radical measure that would force Alphabet, Google's parent company, to sell its Chrome browser.

Google introduces AI real-time safety features for Android
Can spot a scammer
Google has unveiled two security features for Android devices, promising enhanced protection against scams and malicious apps.