Pro-Russian hackers target Italian institutions
Retaliatory cyber attacks
Italy has been hit by a wave of cyber-attacks following President Sergio Mattarella’s speech in Marseille, where he condemned Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Apple-designed chips are a hacker’s joy
The fruity cargo cult Apple’s overhyped homemade chips contain two “features” that allow hackers to access credit card information, locations, and other sensitive data from the Chrome and Safari browsers as they visit sites such as iCloud Calendar, Google Maps, and Proton Mail.

Microsoft sues AI hackers
Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit has launched a lawsuit against a foreign-based hacking group accused of running a "hacking-as-a-service" scheme designed to bypass safety measures in generative AI platforms, including Microsoft’s systems.

Chinese hackers deploy botnet
Target Microsoft Azure accounts
Hackers allegedly working for the Chinese government are using a large botnet, mostly consisting of TP-Link routers, to conduct covert password spray attacks on Microsoft’s Azure cloud service.

Foreign powers stepping up cyber attacks on US
Trying to influence the US election
Software King of the World Microsoft has noticed an uptick in the amount of attacks by foreign powers trying to influence the US elections.

Pro-Palestinian group claims responsibility for Internet archive hack
Claims that the archive belongs to the US
A Pro-Palestinian hacktivist group has claimed responsibility for downing the Internet Archive and Wayback Machine and compromising user data.

Hacker broke into 2K customer support
One way to get someone to pick up
Publisher 2K has warned users that its support page was hacked and warned users not to open emails claiming to come from them.

Hacker exposes revenge posters
Sh*t hits the fan
A hacker has exposed the users of revenge website Sh*tExpress and leaked the company's secure data, including customer email addresses and the messages they sent through the platform.

Hacker confesses to shutting down North Korea’s internet
Disappointed that the US did not seem interested in protecting its security experts
Hacked off that the US authorities were not doing enough to stop North Korean hackers attacking security experts, a solitary hacker switched off North Korea’s internet to show them who was boss.

Hackers have a new sextortion method
Claim to have recorded you watching porn
Hackers have launched a new ‘sextortion’ scam in which they terrify victims by claiming to have recorded them watching porn.