Chip shortage could continue for years
TSMC warns
A TSMC boss has warned that the chip shortage is unlikely to ease up for years.

Putin could kill US chip industry
White House has new Ukraine scare story
Not content with shuttering Chinese chip making, the White House is warning the chip industry to diversify its supply chain in case Russia retaliates against threatened US export curbs by blocking access to key materials.

Intel’s new Ohio plant could be the world’s biggest
Total cost $100 billion
Intel’s $100 billion Ohio chip plant could be the world's largest.

NUVIA raises $240M Series B Funding
Enough to tape out the Orion chip
The future of NUVIA is now brighter as the company managed to secure $240M Series B Funding, money that will be enough tape out the Orion chip. In the light of Nvidia – ARM acquisition times for a custom server architecture could not be better, ensuring NUVIA's great timing and future prove roadmap is the right way forward.

Amazon comes up with data centre processor chip
Who needs Intel and AMD?
Amazon’s cloud computing unit has designed a second, more powerful generation of data centre processor chip.

Chunk of ARM sold to the Chinese
Chinese take control
British-founded chipmaker ARM Holdings,will cede control of its Chinese business to a group of local investors in a $775 million deal.

China looks to foreign companies to end chip dependence
Speed up development to cut US dependence
It looks like Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump's trade war is going to force the Chinese to speed up its chip development programme to end its dependence on US companies quicker.

THX and Qualcomm team up
Want to make some next-generation noise
THX - which is better known for movie and consumer electronics - has teamed up with Qualcomm to create an end-to-end THX Spatial Audio workflow using MPEG-H for the delivery of next-generation immersive audio experiences at NAB 2018.

Intel chips have new side channel bug
BranchScope similar to Meltdown and Spectre,
Insecurity experts have found that Intel chips are vulnerable to another side-channel attack similar to Meltdown and Spectre.

Intel octocore chip leaked
Hail Hydra
A slide of an octocore Intel chip benchmark has leaked onto the worldwide wibble.