How Tim Cook stuffed up Apple's tax disaster
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Why he should not have confirmed the EU's case

Corporate historians will look at Tim Cook’s handing of the EU tax case as a moment where he should have shut up and saved both his and other company's billions in tax..

Apple starts paying out for running ebook cartel
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$400 million for trying to fix the price of ebooks

One of Steve Jobs’ more despicable moments has finally cost his fruity cargo cult money.

Apple in hot water for “nicking ideas”
Published in Mobiles

This one could cost it $2.4 billion

Fruity cargo cult Apple has found itself in the middle of another accusation that it may not invented some of the technology it made a fortune from.
VoIP-Pal (VPLM) claims that Jobs’ Mob owes it $2.8 billion because of the way its iMessage and FaceTime services work.

Jobs was dependant on the Tame Apple Press
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IPod for PC had to be signed off by the Wall Street Journal

The amount of power that the Tame Apple Press had over Apple has been bought to light in an interview with the godfather of the iPod Tony Fadell.

“Steve Jobs” peddles Motorola gear
Published in Mobiles

Kutcher defects?

The bloke who played Steve Jobs in the not-watched reverential bio-pic Jobs has taken to hawking phones from other vendors.

Audiophiles dying out
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17 December 2015

Audiophiles dying out

Ghost of Steve Jobs wonders how that happened

A new survey has shown that the days of listening to high quality music on a decent stereo are dying out as many people are actually happy with the quality of their computer speakers.

Apple faces costly damages bill after nicking chip designs
Published in PC Hardware

Insistance that it invented everything could cost billions

Fruity cargo cult Apple hoped to save a bundle by creating its own version of the ARM chip for its over-priced shiny toys the iPhone and the iPad. But it might have ended up costing it  more than a billion.

Apple blasts Hollywood Heresy
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Steve Jobs was nice really

Apple is having a huge problem with the image of its dead former CEO Steve Jobs.

Apple furious at Steve Jobs flick
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Religious fury

Apple is furious that a documentary of Steve Jobs shows his face and fails to give him the respect which should be accorded to a god. 

Hollywood tells truth about Steve Jobs
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Apparently has been reading Fudzilla

Hollywood has dared to make a film which tells the truth about the fruity cargo Apple's profit Steve Jobs.