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Windows 11 use falls
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The return of Windows 10

Windows 11 has seen its market share take a tumble, falling below the 26 per cent mark.

Google takes out its core
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Wants to be as evil as Apple

Google has bid farewell to 200 of its 'Core' team members. The tech giant, renowned for its 'do no evil' mantra, appears to have adopted a new approach: 'do more cheaper.' With the speed of a game of musical chairs, roles are being relocated to India and Mexico, a move that raises questions about the company's outsourcing strategy.

Return of the smartphone
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Qualcomm results surprise Wall Street

Qualcomm has reported fiscal second-quarter earnings that exceeded the cocaine nose jobs of Wall Street's expectations, accompanied by a robust forecast for the upcoming quarter.

AMD results expected tonight
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Cocaine nose jobs of Wall Street are holding their breath

Wall Street is waiting expectantly for AMD to announce its results tonight after Chipzilla’s disappointing report almost sent them to the window ledges.

US insists that it does not want to stop Chinese growth
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We just want to make sure our companies rule the world

The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the bizarre claim that all the sanctions his country had put on Chinese firms were not to stop that country from growing economically.