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Musk sued because he forgot to pay the rent
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Tuesday, 03 January 2023 11:15

Musk sued because he forgot to pay the rent

Musk insists workers bring their own bog roll to work to save cash

Self proclaimed financial genius and supreme Twit, Elon [look at me] Musk has been sued by his landlord for failing to pay the rent in his San Francisco office and bought in daft cost cutting measures including insisting that staff bring in their own bog roll.

Companies that fire IT staff are going to suffer in the long term
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While those who hire them are going to do well

Dumb companies run by corporate geniuses who think they can save money by firing their IT staff to prop up their bottom lines are headed towards future doom.

Musk shrugs off mass outage
Published in News
Thursday, 29 December 2022 10:30

Musk shrugs off mass outage

It works for me, it does not have to work for you scum

As Twitter crashed and burned in a global outage, its supreme Twit Elon [look at me] Musk played his lyre and told users everything was ok, because “it worked for him.”

Musk says he will quit as Twitter CEO one of these days
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He will just keep making the important decisions 

Supreme Twitt Elon [Look at me] Musk has promised to quit as CEO of Twitter as soon as he can find "someone foolish enough to take the job."

Twitter users vote Musk off the platform
Published in News
Tuesday, 20 December 2022 10:43

Twitter users vote Musk off the platform

Musk’s “tell me you love me” promotion fails

Elon [look at me] Musk’s moves to gain user support for his plans to turn Twitter into a right-wing hate mill by asking users to tell him how wonderful he was backfired spectacularly.

Musk purges more accounts of those who disagree with him
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Heading towards a collision with European regulators 

Supreme Twit Elon [I is rich, look at me] Musk appears to be highly selective about those allowed “free speech” in his glorious new world.

Twitter’s Jiminy Cricket has been shut down
Published in News
Tuesday, 13 December 2022 12:03

Twitter’s Jiminy Cricket has been shut down

We don't need no conscience any more

Supreme Twit Elon [Look at me] Musk has shut down the council which acted as the company’s conscience on key issues like bullying, hate speech, suicide and what constituted child porn.

Twitter denies it has been hacked again
Published in News
Tuesday, 13 December 2022 10:56

Twitter denies it has been hacked again

Data circulating was stolen in an old hack

Twitter confirmed that a "new" leak of millions of members' profiles, including private phone numbers and email addresses, was actually data stolen in an older data breach the company it revealed in August. 

Musk threatened staff who called the authorities on him
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You have been assimilated and will comply 

Supreme Twit Elon [look at me] Musk is furious that Twitter staff have been calling authorities to investigate his dubious antics since taking over the company.

Musk fires more women than men
Published in News
Friday, 09 December 2022 11:44

Musk fires more women than men

We guess women don’t find him as clever as he thinks he is  

When supreme Twit Elon [look at me] Musk conducted his purge of staff at Twitter, it appeared that he had a problem with the genitals of his engineers and fired those he considered had the wrong bits.