News - subcat

Cisco releases a smartboard
Published in News
Wednesday, 22 March 2017 12:46

Cisco releases a smartboard

$4,990 with a $199 monthly subscription for a giant tablet

Cisco is pushing a new "smart" whiteboard to the market with a $4,990 price tag and a $199 monthly subscription.

Intel’s Atom C2000s head for a meltdown
Published in PC Hardware
Wednesday, 08 February 2017 11:51

Intel’s Atom C2000s head for a meltdown

Force themselves into retirement after a couple of years

Chipzilla’s Atom C2000 processor family is shipping with a fault which is going to cost Intel a boatload of cash to fix.

92 percent of workloads will be on the cloud
Published in News
Friday, 11 November 2016 11:38

92 percent of workloads will be on the cloud

Cisco predicts it will be off our desktops by 2020

Networking giant Cisco’s latest Global Cloud Index suggests that more than 92 percent of computer processing will be done in cloud centres by 2020.

French outift installs back-doors in 12 million PCs
Published in News

Cisco outs Tuto4PC

Cisco’s Talos security intelligence and research group has found a nasty piece of French software that has quietly installed backdoors on 12 million computers around the world so its owners can spam the chaîne d'oignons out of users.

Cisco patches router flaw
Published in Network
Friday, 11 March 2016 09:54

Cisco patches router flaw

Problems across key devices

Cisco has patched high-impact vulnerabilities in several of its cable modem and residential gateway devices which are popular among those distributed by ISPs to their customers.

IoT industry leaders announce open source standard group
Published in News

Aims to accelerate Internet of Things to a single open standard

On Friday, a group of industry leaders making headway in the Internet of Things (IoT) market announced a cross-industry collaboration effort aimed at unlocking the massive opportunities for consumers and business with IoT devices, and ultimately a way to quickly get everyone to adopting a single open standard.

Internet traffic about to hit a zetta-byte
Published in News
Friday, 05 February 2016 13:47

Internet traffic about to hit a zetta-byte

That is much bigger than a Zeta Jones 

Global internet traffic will a zetta-byte for the first time this year according to Cisco.

Two backdoors in Juniper routers
Published in Network
Monday, 21 December 2015 11:49

Two backdoors in Juniper routers

Copied Cisco

Someone has quietly installed backdoors three years ago in a core piece of networking equipment used to protect corporate and government systems around the world.

Cisco nets fishy botnet
Published in News
Wednesday, 07 October 2015 12:44

Cisco nets fishy botnet

Angler fished out of the system

Researchers at Cisco have stopped the spread of a massive international exploit kit which is commonly used in ransomware attacks.

China presses ahead with glorious five year  tech plan
Published in News

US tech companies nervy

The Chinese government is set to hack off the US government by working on a set of banking cyber security regulations.