Intel Skylake to debut in August
Published in PC Hardware

Germany's Gamescom provides the platform

Chipzilla 14nm Skylake processors and 100-series chipsets for desktops are expected to be unveiled in early August at Gamescom in Germany.

Pot could be the secret for supercapacitors
Published in PC Hardware

Your chips could create cravings for Pringles

With the US growing hemp again after banning as part of the war on drugs, US boffins are using medical marijuana to provide a rival for graphene as the next model material of supercapacitors.

Wall Street wakes up to the power of FinFET
Published in PC Hardware

Make it or die

Leading Wall Street analyst JPMorgan has decided that FinFET technology is going to do wonders to the top chip capital equipment companies bottom lines.

Chipmakers not out of the woods yet
Published in PC Hardware

IoT still not here 

Don't let anyone fool you, the chipmarket is still not doing that well and there are a few problems to be sorted out before real money will be made.

Stanford builds water based processor
Published in PC Hardware

No liquidity problem

A team of Standford researches have been up on the roof during a lightning storm too many times and have emerged with a computer which powers the processor with water .