Mozilla admits Firefox smartphone failed
Published in Mobiles

Gives up and puts it to sleep

Open saucy browser outfit Mozilla has admitted that its Firefox OS smartphone experiment didn’t have legs and it will stop developing and selling the beasts.

Samsung gives Marshmallow to old notes
Published in Mobiles

Before the flagship

Samsung is famous for dragging its feet on Android upgrades but it seems that it has given Marshmallow Galaxy Note 4 owners before later models.

Apple wants a smaller iPhone
Published in Mobiles

Because being bigger has already been done

Fruity Cargo Cult Apple thinks that it will steal a march on its competitors by making its iPhone too small for Apple fanboy’s fat pudgy fingers to tap out a message.

Gartner sees smartphone market grow
Published in Mobiles

15.5 Percent up on last year

Smartphone sales soared 15.5 percent in the third quarter of 2015 compared to this time last year.

Tablet doom will harm Android
Published in Mobiles

Microsoft should be happy

Beancounters at IDC claim that the decline of tablets will harm Android but prop up the windows operating system