EA/DICE reveals Battlefield 1 system requirements
Couple of changes coming as a result of beta
EA/DICE has now, finally, revealed minimum and recommended system requirements for Battlefield 1 as well as revealed a list of changes that will be coming to the game as a result of that same beta phase.

Battlefield 1 Open Beta had over 13 million players
The biggest Beta in EA history
According to Electronic Arts, Open Beta phase for Battlefield 1 was the biggest one ever, at least in EA's history, with over 13 million gamers playing the game last week.

Battlefield 1 Open Beta kicks off on August 31st
Gets an official Gamescom gameplay trailer
Electronic Arts has finally unveiled the starting date for Battlefield 1 Open Beta phase, which will kick off on August 31st.

Nvidia rolls out Geforce 364.96 Hotfix drivers
One to have for Doom Open Beta
Nvidia has rolled out its latest Geforce 364.96 Hotfix drivers coming with both optimizations and fixes as well as SLI support for Doom Open Beta which kicks off today.

Doom open beta multiplayer starts on April 15
Bethesda details paid DLCs
After the closed beta multiplayer phase in March, Bethesda has now announced that an open beta multiplayer phase for Doom will run from April 15th to April 17th, as well as revealed a bit more details regarding its US $14.99 priced DLCs.
EA & DICE talk BF3 beta stats
Impressive numbers if they translate to sales