Amiga is back
Published in Gaming
14 August 2017

Amiga is back

Slightly improved

The Amiga which was responsible for getting many people into computers from 1985 to 1996 is being resurrected.

Former Wii maker flushed with success
Published in Gaming

Bog standard profits at last

The former maker of the Wii, Nintendo, said it swung to a profit in the first quarter, beating analyst estimates thanks to strong demand for the Switch.

Nvidia announces new Destiny 2 bundle
Published in Gaming

Shows it running in 4K at 60 FPS

Bungie showed a lot of Destiny 2 details at the E3 2017 show while Nvidia showed the game running in 4K at 60 FPS as well as announced that it will be bundling the game with some of its Geforce graphics cards.

Alt-Right fume at "anti-white" Wolfenstein II
Published in Gaming

Comment: Makes Nazis and the KKK into bad guys – poor lambs

The white nationalist alt-right is furious that Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus depicts Nazis and the KKK as bad guys.

Intel sued over over-heating phones
Published in Gaming

Things got too hot in Brazil

Chipzilla wasted a fortune trying to arrive into the smartphone chip making business too late, and not it looks like it will have to shell out a bit more to make its mess go away.