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iPad Mini to launch on October 23?

by on12 October 2012


Insiders claim

Slashgear has come across some interesting info on Apple’s iPad Mini, and it appears that device will launch on October 23.

Apparently, industry insiders claim that the shrunk version of Apples incredibly useful door prop will precede the launch of Windows 8 by a few days. While the actual location of the launch hasn’t been confirmed yet, it is said it may very well be in Apple’s Town Hall Auditorium.

The launch was previously expected next week but Apple’s silence gave way to rumors of unforeseen supply chain problems and resulting delays. However, the sources claim this is not so.

From what the rumor mill churned out and processed, the iPad Mini should have a 7.85-inch LCD IPS display at the 1024x768 resolution. Additionally, it is said a Lightning connector is quite likely, but we guess we’ll see soon enough.

More here.

Last modified on 12 October 2012
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