FCC unsure it can meet Trump’s social media demands
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Can’t really take away tech firms' legal protection

Republican Federal Communications Commissioner Mike O'Rielly said he's unsure whether his agency has the authority to carry out President Donald Trump's executive order targeting tech firms' legal protections.

Zuckerberg's pro-Trump stance is proving PR nightmare
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Tech policy groups worry about association with hate, misinformation, and abuse

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's refusal to apply platform policies to moderate rule-breaking posts by President Trump and other political figures is costing his company street cred.

Trump and EU at loggerheads on charging US tech companies tax
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US tech companies don't have to pay tax like other companies.

The US is investigating why nine countries, plus the European Union are daring to bring about tax systems which will force US tech companies to pay tax.

Dorsey refuses to back down
Published in News
Friday, 29 May 2020 10:52

Dorsey refuses to back down

Will continue to fact check Trump

Twitter will continue to fact check Donald Trump despite the President's censorship threats. 

Trump moves to censor social media
Published in News
Thursday, 28 May 2020 11:07

Trump moves to censor social media

For the crime of deleting his false and misleading posts

US President Donald “inject the bleach” Trump is about to sign an executive order to shut down social media sites which warn people about his medical advice and other fake news.

Trump cracks down on Huawei chip supply
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Forbids sales of foreign-made chips to the company

US president Donald “inject bleach you peasants” Trump has clamped down on the use of US technology worldwide to manufacture chips for Huawei, cutting off the outfit from vital semiconductor supply chains.

Trump looking at ways to get chip factories in US
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Chatting to Intel and TSMC

US President Donald “inject bleach to kill viruses” Trump is having another stab at getting the big chip makers to set up fabs in the US.

Trump punishes Huawei for coronavirus
Published in Network
Friday, 27 March 2020 11:13

Trump punishes Huawei for coronavirus

Will ban US chips

Senior officials in the Trump administration agreed to new measures to restrict the global supply of chips to China’s Huawei Technologies as punishment for “China spreading the coronavirus”.

Gates blasts Trump in TED talk
Published in News
Wednesday, 25 March 2020 12:07

Gates blasts Trump in TED talk

Turns out he was right all the time

Five years after Bill Gates warned the world that it was not ready for a pandemic, the former Microsoft CEO has said “I told you so” during an hour-long TED broadcast.

Trump backs Ellison in API court case
Published in News
Friday, 21 February 2020 09:22

Trump backs Ellison in API court case

Everything should belong to my golf buddies and supporters

The Trump administration urged the US Supreme Court to reject an appeal by Alphabet's Google, boosting Oracle's bid to collect more than $8 billion in royalties for Google's use of copyrighted programming code in the Android operating system.