Published in Reviews

Samsung’s third-generation SM961 256GB NVMe SSD reviewed

by on05 February 2017


Results – ATTO Disk Benchmark

For our ATTO disk benchmark, we also took the same approach as the CrystalDiskMark results and performed two separate tests using both the standard Windows 10 NVMe driver and Samsung’s NVMe driver rev. 2.1.

samsung sm961 256gb windows 10 nvme driver atto disk benchmark

With the native Windows 10 NVMe driver, the Samsung SM961 256GB achieves a consistent 1.51 to 1.54GB/s in sequential read speeds and 1.23 to 1.25GB/s in sequential write speeds between 64KB and 64MB, yet noticeably improves 16KB sequential writes at 1.09GB/s.

samsung sm961 256gb samsung nvme driver atto disk benchmark

With Samsung’s NVMe driver rev. 2.1, the SM961 256GB achieves a consistent 1.51 to 1.54GB/s in sequential read speeds and 1.23 to 1.25GB/s in sequential write speeds between 64KB and 64MB, yet noticeably improves sequential reads by about 19 percent and write speeds by about 4 percent in the 512B to 32KB range.

Last modified on 06 February 2017
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