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Signal plans to leave the UK
Published in News
Monday, 25 September 2023 11:01

Signal plans to leave the UK

We will not allow spooks to spy on users

The Signal Foundation, which maintains the nonprofit Signal messaging app, has confirmed that it will leave the UK due to the country's recently passed Online Safety Bill.

Big Tech mulls leaving the UK
Published in News
Monday, 14 August 2023 10:27

Big Tech mulls leaving the UK

Too much post Brexit regulation

Big Tech is considering leaving the UK because they are being swamped with more regulation than they see in the EU.

WhatsApp users can edit messages
Published in News
Tuesday, 23 May 2023 10:03

WhatsApp users can edit messages

If they are quick

WhatsApp users can finally edit their messages.

Spain wants to abandon end-to-end encryption
Published in News

Claims it is about protecting children

Spain wants to ban encryption for hundreds of millions of people within the European Union and has strong support among EU member states for proposals to scanning private messages for illegal content.

Courts slow to catch up with data stored by companies
Published in News

Trends have changed and some companies have nothing 

While a federal grand jury subpoena is not something a company would make PR capital over, Signal has made much hay over a silly attempt to get data from its servers.

White House use of end-to-end encrypted apps avoids federal law
Published in News

Secure communications without paper trails prevent historical preservation

In the four weeks since the current US presidential administration took over Washington D.C., White House staffers and a myriad of policy executives appear to be using specific end-to-end encryption apps on their mobile devices for leaking confidential information without leaving any evidence of paper trails.

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Week 27 units may have new nonconductive coating on metal band