Published in
Friday, 04 March 2016 11:54
AMD confirms Polaris for the mid-year
Fury X2 on track
AMD held a Q&A with Reddit users and confirmed that its Polaris GPU is on track for the middle of the year and the Fury X2 will be appearing.

Published in
Monday, 29 February 2016 16:45
AMD dual-GPU Fury X2 could be air-cooled
Roy Taylor teases Tiki SFF once again
Roy Taylor has once again teased the console-sized Falcon Northwest Tiki SFF PC showing what appears to be an air-cooled Radeon Fury X2 dual-GPU graphics card.

Published in
Tuesday, 15 December 2015 09:34
Radeon Fury X2 Gemini delayed to early 2016
Let's not destroy Xmas sales
AMD has pushed back its plans to release its Radeon Fury X2 Gemini card in 2015.