Apple releases urgent update for buggy software
Two zero-day holes
The fruity cargo cult, Apple has stunned its user fanbase by admitting that the software it touts as more secure than Microsoft has two zero-day security flaws.

iPhone Web browser embarrasses fanboys and girls
Shows friends their browsing history
A glitch in iPhone web browsers is causing users' internet history to resurface at the most inopportune times, leaving many red-faced and anxious about using their devices in public.

Amazon's first colour E-reader has issues
Users moan about Kindle Colorsoft
Amazon's first-ever colour e-reader, the Kindle Colorsoft, has only just gone on sale, and early adopters are already expressing dissatisfaction.

Yet another exploited security flaw in macOS systems
Cuckoo in the nest
Cybersecurity boffins have unearthed a new information thief that preys on Apple macOS systems. This thief can dig its claws into infected hosts and act as a snoop.

Intel chips have new side channel bug
BranchScope similar to Meltdown and Spectre,
Insecurity experts have found that Intel chips are vulnerable to another side-channel attack similar to Meltdown and Spectre.

iPhone's emergency glitch still not fixed
911 glitch was the tip of the ice-burg
Last year the iPhone suffered from a security glitch that caused iPhones to repeatedly dial 911 without user intervention.

Apple’s battery woes spread
New upgrades make unaffected iPhone 6s sick
Apple seems to be serious in its cunning plan to get users to update to the iPhone 7, by issuing an update which was supposed to fix a problem with the iPhone 6s battery but actually spread the problem instead.

PwC tries to silence security research firm
Security firm should not have had the buggy software
A security research outfit has released details of a "critical" flaw in a security tool made by auditing and tax giant PwC.

Bug in Intel chips threatens security
Wooden flaw
Researchers claim that they have discovered a bug in Intel chips that could compromise system securities.

Put your D-Link DWR-932 in the bin
Router is borked
A security expert has found that the LTE router/portable wireless hotspot D-Link DWR-932 is probably better in the rubbish bin where it can do no harm.