Published in
Wednesday, 28 November 2018 22:50
Jon Carvill is VP of marketing at Intel
Long term industry veteran rejoins Intel
The exact title of Jon Carvill's new venture is the VP of Marketing for Technology Leadership and he started this job after leaving Facebook as the Director of Technology Communications. Jon is just destined to work in the chip industry, he just knows and likes it too much.

Published in
Wednesday, 02 September 2015 17:28
Vevo music poaches top Qualcomm exec
Jon Carvill is now VP of communications
A rock star PR who worked as a Senior Director of communication at Qualcomm has been poached by the music outfit Vevo.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012 11:44
Micron hires Nvidia executive
Wants to expand memory chips
Thursday, 19 April 2012 12:01
Former Microsoft exec sings goodbye tune
Who knew Microsoft employed humans?