Porsche signs up for Intel’s Mobileeye sensors
SuperVision enables a range of advanced driver-assistance systems
Intel spin-off Mobile appears to be doing well – Posche has signed up for its advanced sensor suite.

Porsche releases $150,900 electric tin can
Sorry Taycan
After being teased and promoted for four years, Porsche has officially revealed its first electric car called the Taycan which will set you back $150,900.

Two women in house argue about details
And won't even talk to each other
Artificial intelligence can go so far, but, so far, AI isn't showing much intelligence and has a sexist core.

Huawei throws a giant phone party
Hello Mate, here's the Mate20 Pro
Well over 2,000 people, from all over the world, poured into a conference hall in the Excel conference centre in London yesterday to see and listen to a complete bells and whistles exposition of the virtues of Huawei's latest range of phones the Mate 20 and the Mate20 Pro.

Porsche gets 10 percent of Rimac
High voltage battery and power trains
Porsche AG officially announced that it acquired 10 percent of Rimac automobile for an undisclosed sum.

Porsche driverless car controlled by smartphone
Whatever next?
Chinese giant Huawei said it's the first smartphone maker in the world to use such a device to drive a car.

AOC teams up with Porsche for new monitors
24- and 27-inchers designed by Studio F.A. Porsche
AOC has teamed up with Studio F.A. Porsche for its two new impressive looking gaming monitors, the 24-inch PDS241, and the 27-inch PDS271.

Tame Apple Press called out on Android motoring story
Who lets the truth get in the way of an Apple Advert?
The Tame Apple press ran a story claiming that its favourite toymaker had been chosen by Porsche to run its systems because Android Auto was phoning home too much data.
Porsche comes to Forza 4
30 of them in expansion pack