FBI hacked and operated an Irish web hosting service
Using a flaw in Firefox and Tor
An Irish man who ran a cheap dark web hosting service has been sentenced to 27 years in prison for turning a blind eye to customers hosting child sex abuse material.

FBI overreaches itself on snaffling records
Apparently it can't demand IP addresses of people who read news
The US FBI has been forced to withdraw a subpoena demanding records from USA Today that would identify readers of a February story about a southern Florida shootout that killed two agents and wounded three others.

FBI and NSA reveal Russia’s Linux malware
Been developed and deployed
The FBI and NSA have published a joint security alert containing details about a new strain of Linux malware that the two agencies say was developed and deployed in real-world attacks by Russia's military hackers.

FBI wants people to abandon passwords
Use passphrases instead
An FBI Portland Tech report has told its readers to stop using passwords and switch to passphrases.

Untouchables shut down hacker records site
WeLeakInfo.com provided huge amount of hacked data
The FBI has shut down a website that offered hackers easy access to 12 billion records stolen in thousands of data breaches.

FBI claims to have cracked Bitcoin
Breaks kiddie porn ring
Federal authorities in the US have unsealed charges against the South Korean operator of a child porn ring that's been billed as the world's "largest dark web child porn marketplace."

FBI tried to force mobile phone maker to install a backdoor
Looks like all that Huawei stuff is projection
The FBI tried to force the owner of an encrypted phone company to put a backdoor in his devices.

Huawei faces criminal charges
Us claims it stole trade secrets and committed bank fraud
US prosecutors filed criminal charges against Huawei claiming it stole trade secrets from an American rival and committed bank fraud by violating sanctions against doing business with Iran.

FBI former director calls for cyber-deterrence strategy against China
The only way to get them to stop
A former FBI director has called for a cyber-deterrence strategy to be developed against China in a bid to get them stop hacking other countries.

FBI can't find unstoned developers or hackers
Untouchables are not supposed to touch the stuff
The FBI's plans to hire skilled hackers are going "up in smoke" because it is finding it hard to recruit tech whizzes because most of them would fail any test for cannabis use.