Writing in his bog, Durov said that Apple seems to be working to hamstring his company by using its review process to prevent him from distributing new versions.
He said that an upcoming update has been stuck in Apple's "review" for two weeks, without explanation or any feedback.
Durov pointed out that if Telegram, which is one of the top 10 most popular apps globally, is receiving this treatment, one can only imagine the difficulties experienced by smaller app developers.
“It's not just demoralizing: it causes direct financial losses to hundred of thousands of mobile apps globally,” he complained.
To make matters worse Apple stings developers for 30 per cent for the privilege. He said that Apple claims that the money is supposed to pay for the resources needed to review apps, which it clearly is not.
Durov said regulators in the EU and elsewhere are slowly starting to look into these abusive practices. But the “economic damage that has already been inflicted by Apple on the tech industry won't be undone.”