EA officially teases Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order game
Based on Unreal Engine 4
As rumored earlier, Electronic Arts and Respawn have officially teased the upcoming Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order game at the Star Wars Celebration in Chicago, releasing an official reveal trailer, which is practically a teaser, as well as some details about the game launching on November 15th, on PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One.

How Putin's trolls killed Star Wars
All your views are manipulated
Russian Tsar Putin ordered his online trolls to kill off Star Wars the Last Jedi by manipulating online opinion.

Nvidia releases Geforce 388.31 WHQL Game Ready drivers
One for Star Wars Battlefront II and Injustice 2
Nvidia has released its new Geforce 388.31 WHQL Game Ready drivers which bring all optimizations for Star Wars Battlefront II and Injustice 2 games as well as an increased performance in the Destiny 2 game.

EA squeezes more cash from Star Wars Battlefront 2 gamers
I find your lack of cash disturbing
EA games is starting to hack gamers off by making them pay a premium rate for a game and then hit them with demands for microtransactions.

Titan Xp Collector's Edition is Star Wars tribute
Two different versions
Nvidia has piqued a lot of interest by teasing the new Titan Xp Collector's Edition but it appears that this is only a tribute to Star Wars as it will be available in the Jedi Order and the Galactic Empire version with standard clocks.

EA's Star Wars Battlefront II gets a trailer, beta details
Minimum and recommended system requirements as well
EA has released a full launch trailer for its upcoming Star Wars Battlefront II game as well as both system requirements and details regarding the Open Beta stage.

AMD teases its Ryzen and Vega system at CES 2017
No details but it runs Star Wars Battlefront
Although the big event is scheduled to start in about 16 hours, AMD already has a running system with Ryzen CPU and Vega GPU at the CES 2017 show floor.

No new Battlefield game for a "couple of years"
Shifting focus on Battlefront
According to the announcement made by EA earlier this week, it appears that there won't be any new Battlefield game for a "couple of years".

Star Wars Episode IX director wants to film in space, using film
Speaks out against "smooth motion" tech
The director of the final installment in the sequel to the original George Lucas trilogy from 1977 wants to film parts of his epic space opera in actual space, a new panel discussion from the 2016 Sundance Film Festival suggests.

Star Wars Battlefront sells 12 million copies
The force is strong in this one
EA's Star Wars Battlefront has sold 12 million copies since its launch in November thanks to Disney's Star War's reboot.