Sources we have been speaking with over the last couple of weeks have been telling us a lot about the anti-piracy technology that is a part of the upcoming Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo in the past has had serious piracy problems with their handheld systems; and despite a number of counter-measures and lawsuits to deal with the problem, they just never seemed to get the upper hand.
This time around, however, whispers we hear speak of some of the best anti-piracy technology that has ever been used in a device of this type. While Nintendo is unwilling to talk about it and those we have spoken with can’t tell us the specifics, they do seem to think that with the release of the 3DS Nintendo is finally ahead of the piracy curve; and that should have a real impact on sales, meaning there will be more of them for not only Nintendo’s titles, but those of 3rd party publishers.
One source claiming to be aware of the specifics of the new anti-piracy technology being used in the 3DS told us, “I think Nintendo got it right this time around and the anti-piracy technology being deployed with the 3DS will help protect our IP; and I think this will lead us to selling a lot more than we have in the past, which I do think will lead to more games to be developed for the 3DS platform.”
We will have to see how effective these new measures are, but we suspect that the cat and mouse game among Nintendo and the pirates will continue, but maybe not, if what our sources are telling us is true. We will have to wait and see, as certainly the aggressive enforcement by Nintendo has helped curb the situation, but not yet eliminated it.
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3DS has best anti-piracy measures yet

Nintendo might finally be ahead of the curve
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