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Musk threatens to ban Apple devices at his work
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We are not sure whose side we are on here

In a rather petulant display of corporate chest-thumping, Elon [look at me] Musk has threatened to ban Apple gear from his companies after Jobs’ Mob salted its “Apple Intelligence” with AI from OpenAI.

AMD launches sooner than expected
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Ryzen 9000 X3D as early as September 

The Dark Satanic Rumour Mill has manufactured a hell on earth yarn claiming that AMD will release its Ryzen 9000 X3D versions earlier than thought.

Intel stalls Israel plant expansion construction
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Unclear why

Chipzilla appears to have stalled construction on its semiconductor manufacturing plant in Kiryat Gat, Israel, which is valued at 25 billion dollars (23.25 billion euro).

Intel’s Meteor Lake gets a boost
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It is like another chip

Chipzilla recently released a single line of Linux code for its Meteor Lake processors which has transformed the chip significantly.

Evil managers hoped staff would quit if forced to return to the office
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But not enough did

A new study has revealed that managers secretly hoped that shedloads of staff would quit if they were forced to return to the office after Covid so they could cover up a mass layoff plan.