Taiwan and Nvidia team up on self driving cars
Published in Transportation

Drive Constellation and Drive Sim platforms to be used

Taiwan's Ministry of Science and Technology has teamed up with the the GPU maker named after a Roman vengence daemon to speed up  a government fostered autonomous driving programme.

Former Volkswagen CEO faces fraud serious charges
Published in Transportation

He and four others equipped vehicles with emission defeating gear

The former CEO of Adolf Hitler’s favourite car company, Martin Winterkorn .has been charged with serious fraud in Germany for his role in the diesel-rigging scandal that rocked the carmaker and cost it about 29 billion euro ($33 billion).

Ford scales back self-driving cars
Published in Transportation

The first batch will have their limits

Ford CEO Jim Hackett scaled back hopes about the company's plans for self-driving cars.

German car companies colluded to fudge emission testing results
Published in Transportation

EC accuses BMW, Daimler, and Volkswagen in hot water

The European Commission has accused German car companies of conspiring to limit emissions reduction technology in their diesel and gas vehicles.

Autotalks passes Chinese C-V2X field test
Published in Transportation

Transmits over 1.5 km

Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communication outfit Autotalks thinks it might have a foot in the door in China after the successful completion of the C-V2X field test with an unnamed Chinese technology giant.