Astronauts prank called using their satellite phone
Published in Transportation

Bored while waiting for pick up after splash down

NASA's Doug Hurley and his crewmate Bob Behnken had a satellite phone at their disposal after splashdown on Sunday.

Imaging system creates pictures by measuring time
Published in Transportation

Could bring about new transport methods

A new method of imaging which harnesses artificial intelligence to turn time into visions of 3D space could help cars, mobile devices and health monitors develop 360-degree awareness.

Britishvolt, Pininfarina team up on large-scale battery gigaplant
Published in Transportation

Going for an Italian

Britishvolt has teamed up with Italian automotive design house Pininfarina, to build the UK’s first large-scale battery gigaplant at the former RAF base of Bro Tathan, Wales.

Self-flying plane flies through testing
Published in Transportation

Airbus completes project

Airbus has just completed its Autonomous Taxi, Take-Off, and Landing project that saw one of its jets perform normally pilot-flown maneuvers entirely on its own.

Japanese build a giant robot
Published in Transportation

Ready to take on Godzilla

The Japanese have been building a 60 foot tall robot and it has apparently taken its first steps.