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AutoCAD back on the Mac

by on31 August 2010

After 18 years
After 18-years, AutoCAD is shoving its software on the Mac OS X. CAD which is the defacto industry standard last released a native Mac version of its flagship product in 1992 which is practically Roman times as far as the Tech industry is concerned.

The Mac was once a popular platform for AutoCAD. But Apple’s share of the personal computer market dwindled in the early 1990s, so Autodesk made its last version of AutoCAD for the Mac in 1992, and stopped supporting it in 1994. The company continued to make other products for the Mac, including software used in the entertainment industry.

Autodesk has announced that it is also bringing an AutoCAD app to the iPad and iPhone. This app will let professionals import, modify and export CAD files on the go.

The move is seen as being one of the last big business applications that was lacking from the Mac has finally sold up to it. It is not clear when Autodesk will release its Jobs' Mob friendly version, but it will be jolly good news for Apple fan boy designers who want their companies to splash out on something more expensive than a PC.

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