Chipzilla investigates Photonic integrated circuits
Published in AI


Getting AI into the matrix

Chipzilla boffins have released details of some interesting findings which could bring optical neural networks a step closer to reality.

Huawei ban hurts US tech too
Published in PC Hardware

Intel, Qualcomm, Google, Microsoft

The four above are just the tip of the iceberg and probably the companies that will most suffer from the ban, but ISV like Adobe, antivirus makers, any US-based software maker on Android or Windows selling to Huawei will be affected too.

Chipzilla drops price on high end chip
Published in PC Hardware


Feeling the pain

Chipzilla looks to be feeling the pain of competition at last and started to drop some of its prices.

Intel’s boot guard is a doddle to defeat
Published in PC Hardware

If you have time alone with a laptop

Security experts have come up with a way of defeating Intel’s boot verification process.

Raja Koduri announces OneAPI launch in Q4 19
Published in PC Hardware

28X improvement in deep leering 

It is easy to forget about the software behind the hardware that everyone gets excited about, but without drivers, OS, and general API support, there would not be any platform.

Lakefield 10nm PCB pictured
Published in PC Hardware

Intel foldables and detachable CPU in late 2019

We had a chance to see the Lakefield up and running in December 2018, and it was the first time Intel showed a 10nm Hybrid CPU running a 7-Zip and taking full advantage of the AES 256 instruction. This was enough to run 75 percent faster than any other Intel Core processor.

Intel expects 7nm in 2021
Published in AI

7nm data center GPU confirmed

Intel has provided a financial analyst community update about its 10nm and, it even mentioned 7nm for 2021, touching beyond that. The first 7nm from Intel seems to be a 7nm general purpose GPU.

Intel continues to suffer
Published in News

Poor growth for three years

Chipzilla bigwigs predicted only modest profit growth over the next three years, confirming that it is falling behind its big rivals.

Intel 10nm CPU to ship in June
Published in PC Hardware

Ice lake 10nm on shelves for holidays

Unless you have been living under a rock, you were aware that Intel is years behind its original 10nm transition. Luckily, Intel’s Murthy has confirmed that the 10nm CPU will start shipping in June.

Intel’s XE GPUs will get ray tracing
Published in Graphics

Professionals will be able to trace any rays they see

Intel's Xe discreet graphics cards are set to get ray tracing according to Intel's senior principal engineer and senior director of advanced rendering and visualisation.