Google will hang onto your phone
Published in Mobiles

If you repair it with third-party parts

Once you start repairing your Google phone with third-party parts, you will have to keep doing it, or the search engine company will take it back, and you will never see it again.

Google Cloud’s biggest blunder
Published in Cloud

Deleted a major customer’s account

Google Cloud accidentally deleted a giant customer account, along with its back-ups for no reason.

Google infuses AI into search engine
Published in AI

Will finally stop the presses

Search engine outfit Google announced that it will infuse its ubiquitous search engine with its powerful artificial intelligence model, Gemini. Drawing on the rapidly advancing technology, Gemini will directly answer user queries at the top of the results pages.

Google chooses profit over staff
Published in News

It is the American way

The company, which used to brag that it did no evil, is facing complaints from its staff that it is making killer profits without giving them any extra cash.

Google launches Pixel 8a
Published in Mobiles

$499 for 128GB same camera setup

After numerous leaks Google has officially launched a new iteration of price affordable Pixel 8a phone and kept the $499 / €549 starting price.

Microsoft is close to setting up its own commercial AI
Published in News

Vole wants to be free of Google and OpenAI

Software King of the World Microsoft, stirring up the AI pot with a whopping investment of more than €9.29 into OpenAI, is cooking up its own secret sauce: a spanking new AI model that's beefy enough to throw down the gauntlet to big dogs like Google, Anthropic, and even OpenAI.

Google's Axion packs a punch
Published in AI

Google squares off against the AI competition

Google Cloud's thrown its hat into the ring with Axion, its first custom-built Arm brawler, promising a 30 per cent beefier performance than other Arm contenders from AWS and Microsoft. They're even boasting a 50 per cent muscle-up and 60 per cent more energy thriftiness than the X86 heavyweights.

Chrome goes native on Arm
Published in News

Now, all roads lead to Chrome 

In alliance with Qualcomm, Google claims to have turbocharged the browsing experience for Windows on ARM users. The tech behemoth has rolled out an ARM-optimised iteration of its Chrome browser, promising a zippier and more seamless online experience.

Google's flashy new office has rubbish Wi-Fi
Published in News

Networking, they have heard of it

Google, the online giant run by billionaire Larry Page, has a new office building that looks the business, but has a Wi-Fi service that's pants.

Microsoft tried to flog Bing to Apple but got snubbed
Published in News

It probably wished it had bought it now

Microsoft offered to sell its Bing search engine to Apple in 2018, Google claimed in a court paper this month.