Apple’s gag culture investigated by SEC
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Might have misled investors

The Fruity Cargo Cult Apple is in hot water with the SEC over its non-disclosure agreement culture.

Dutch continue to fine Apple millions over App store
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Apple does not seem too concerned and is ignoring it

The Dutch antitrust watchdog fined Apple another 5 million euros for a third time for failing to allow software application makers in the Netherlands to use non-Apple payment methods for dating apps listed in the company's App Store.

Developers are furious as Apple cuts app store commission by “a whopping” three per cent
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Tame Apple press goes on the attack

The Tame Apple Press is furious after greedy developers dared to question Apple’s generosity in lopping off three per cent from the 30 per cent it takes from them for the privilege of being in its App store.

Facebook plummets
Published in News
04 February 2022

Facebook plummets

Blames Apple

Facebook is blaming Apple as its shares plummeted 26 per cent, the biggest single-day slide in market value for a US company.

Another Israel firm hacks iPhones
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NSO was not the only fruit

Another Israeli security firm joined NSO to make a quick killing by targeting Apple security flaws for evil police states.

Stalkers make a mockery of Apple security
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By daring to void the warranty

Apple fanboys who want to use Apple’s AirTags to stalk victims have been evading Jobs’ Mob security by voiding their warranty on the tech.

Apple must be stopped says Microsoft
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Kill all its Horcruxes or it will just keep screwing over the world

Software King of the World Microsoft says that Apple needs to be stopped otherwise it will think its evil anti-trust actions are ok.

Judge throws out case against Apple
Published in Mobiles

If Apple says it can walk on water than you need to prove it can’t

A federal judge dismissed a class-action lawsuit accusing Apple of misleading consumers about how resistant its iPhones are to water exposure.

Tablet market grows
Published in Mobiles
01 February 2022

Tablet market grows

Apple still in charge

Worldwide tablet shipments rose to 168.8 million last year, up about five million from 2020 shipments.

Most developers want Google and Apple tamed
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