Published in
Tuesday, 02 May 2017 23:36
Tesla goes mega on gigafactories hype
Starting with US, with expected transition to Europe
In a TED talk published a few days ago, Tesla CEO Elon "it's coming sonn" Musk said that in addition to the lithium-ion battery factory – or Gigafactory – under construction in Nevada, the compan will announce locations for up to four more "gigafactories" later this year.

Published in
Wednesday, 13 April 2016 02:55
Tesla Model S 2017 refresh now available
Front-panel grille now resembles Model X
On Tuesday, Tesla Motors updated its online design studio to reflect new exterior changes to its Model S sedan appearing as a slight refresh to the vehicle’s front design.

Published in
Friday, 01 April 2016 07:06
Tesla announces Model 3, an all-electric sedan for the masses
Standard Autopilot, 5-star safety, 0 to 60mph in less than 6 seconds