Wikimedia admits some of its “editors” were persecuting others
Bans six and cancel sysop privileges for another dozen
The Wikimedia Foundation appears to have woken up to the fact that a number of its editors are out of control bullies.

Wikimedia actually bans administrator for posting fake information
Next step recognising the existence of Fudzilla?
The Wikimedia Foundation has taken the extraordinary step of banning one of its admins after he was found to have been posting radical right-wing views on the Wackypedia site.

Chinese boffins create sarcasm detection AI
Something for Fudzilla to break
China boffins have emerged from their smoke-filled labs with a sarcasm detection AI that achieved state of the art performance on a dataset drawn from Twitter.

How Google AdSense steals from customers
Fudzilla monthly revenue chopped by 65 percent
Last month we decided to increase Google ads presence of Fudzilla and increase the number of banners, giving Google some better spots. Revenue more than doubled but after the end of the month, Google market 65 percent of our ad traffic as Invalid Traffic - AdSense for Content, deducting 65 percent of the revenue.

World Wide Web 30 years old today
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
When Tim Berners-Lee was 33 years old, he penned a letter to his bosses at CERN suggesting a common protocol for using the interweb that was intended to demolish the Tower of Babel and let people communicate with each other worldwide.

The CeBIT mess is over
The end of the SnowBIT
For years upon years I trudged the halls in Hannover hoping against hope that it wouldn't snow and the biggest IT trade show in the world wouldn't turn from CeBIT into SnoBIT. And now it seems to be either NoBIT or JustaBIT.

Mike Magee sues US government
“It just came off in my hand”
The founder of the Rogister, the INQUIRER, TechEye, Channel Eye and the editor in large at Fudzilla has discovered he is suing the US government.

Wikipedia editors outsource spats to bots
Remotely controlled obnoxious morons fight each other
Wikipedia editors are finding it so hard to be that obnoxious to magazines and researchers they don’t like and are outsourcing their work to bots – which are spending a lot of time fighting each other.

Twitter is toast
Analysts finally start speaking like Fudzilla
It has taken a while, but we are finally getting analysts to describe situations in the way we do. Trip Chowdhry, the managing director of equity research at Global Equities Research shocked the market when he described Twitter as being "toast".

EU set to support Microsoft’s LinkedIn deal
Seems to be avoiding the antitrust missteps
Software giant Microsoft is likely to gain EU approval for its $26 billion buy of professional social notworking site LinkedIn after making concessions aimed at addressing competition concerns.