Welsh police put ID recognition on their phones
That’s Dai Bread and his girlfriend Polly Thesheep
Wales police have launched a facial-recognition app that "will allow officers to use their phones to confirm someone's identity."

US Air Force experimenting with facial recognition on drones
Can find and kill you
New Scientist magazine has found a contract between the US Air Force and a defence firm that shows the government uses reconnaissance and surveillance drones equipped with facial recognition to aid in special operations missions.

Canadians abandon face recognition software
Watchdog growls at clearview
Canada's privacy watchdog said facial recognition software provider Clearview AI will no longer offer its services in the country, suspending a contract with its last remaining client, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Detroit coppers admit that facial recognition systems are useless
But they have used them against black people anyway
Detroit police have used highly unreliable facial recognition technology almost exclusively against black people so far in 2020, according to the Detroit Police Department's own statistics.

Racially-biased facial recognition led to bloke's arrest
Bad enough when humans do it
It what is being touted as a world first, a faulty facial recognition match led to a Michigan man's arrest for a crime he did not commit becauset the AI thought all black people looked alike.

Microsoft limits sales of facial recognition to police
There needs to be some law first
Software King of the World Microsoft joined the list of tech giants who've decided to limit the use of its facial recognition systems, announcing that it will not sell the controversial technology to police departments until there is a federal law regulating the technology.

Amazon pauses giving face detection software to cops
Probably not a good moment
Amazon on Wednesday said it was implementing a one-year moratorium on police use of its facial recognition software, reversing its long-time support of selling the technology to law enforcement.

IBM gets out of the facial recognition business
Calls for social justice reforms
IBM CEO Arvind Krishna called on the US Congress to create reforms to advance racial justice and combat systemic racism while announcing the company was getting out of the facial recognition business.

US Army develops AI facial recognition protection
Stop hackers teaching AI to recognise the wrong people
The US Army has announced the development of software designed to prevent the compromise of facial recognition technology in military applications.

Police facial recognition is rubbish
More than 80 percent inaccurate
Four out of five people identified by the Metropolitan Police's facial recognition technology as suspects were innocent, according to an independent report.