US FCC is the very definition of “corruption.”
Democratic presidential candidate wades into Pai
A panel that provides policy advice to the Federal Communications Commission is “stacked with corporate insiders”, Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has moaned.

FCC investigated over media deal
Pai may have colluded with Sinclair broadcasting
The bloke who handed over the internet to the US's telephone monopolies, Ajit Pai, is being investigated over another of his deals.

Microsoft’s typeface at centre of government corruption case
High calibri row
A typeface which was created in 2004 and made a default option on PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and WordPad by Microsoft in 2007, is currently sitting at the centre of a corruption investigation involving Pakistan's Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif.

Samsung raided by South Korean watchdogs
Cash offer to President’s close friend questioned
South Korean coppers raided Samsung offices in Seoul after allegations that the company offered money to the daughter of Choi Soon-sil, who is a close friend of company President Park Geun-hye.

Qualcomm settles in US over China corruption
“gifts, travel, and entertainment”
Qualcomm has settled charges with the US Securities and Exchange Commission that it hired relatives of Chinese officials who could influence the selection of its mobile technology products.
Samsung goes on anti-corruption attack

Cleans its own house