Intel did not know how to be foundry
Apple told TSMC
Fruity cargo cult Apple chose to cosy up with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) over Chipzilla for its custom silicon because “Intel didn’t know how to be a foundry.”

Apple-designed chips are a hacker’s joy
The fruity cargo cult Apple’s overhyped homemade chips contain two “features” that allow hackers to access credit card information, locations, and other sensitive data from the Chrome and Safari browsers as they visit sites such as iCloud Calendar, Google Maps, and Proton Mail.

VD Vance says Big Tech has too much power
Things might not be so sweet for Tech oligarchs under Trump
Despite much brownnosing and cash handed over to Donald Trump, it seems that things might not go so well for the Big Tech oligarchs during this third term.

iPhone has a new broken alarm feature
Claims to be on it
Members of the Apple fruity cargo cult are incandescent with rage after the alarms on their shiny toys stop working. This means that many of them are sleeping and missing work.

Apple admits its CarPlay 2 is “late”
Has deleted release dates from the CarPlay page
Fruity cargo cult Apple is having trouble getting products out of its flying saucer—this time, its CarPlay "product has been placed on the never-never list.

Apple sued over toxic watch bands
Insists they are safe
The fruity cargo cult Apple has denied that its watch bands are unsafe, even if they are laced with forever chemicals and the outfit is being sued over their toxic content.

Epic Games starts free games programme
Will pay Apple's charges for developers
Epic Games is set to add nearly 20 third-party games to its app store, igniting excitement on Android devices globally and on iOS within the European Union.

CMA has another pop at Google and Apple
Playing monoply with their app stores
Britain’s competition watchdog has Apple and Google in its sights once again, launching fresh investigations into the tech giants’ mobile ecosystems under powerful new rules designed to curb digital market abuses.

Apple’s shares slide as cash cow dies in China
You can’t really depend on a single product
The fruity cargo cult Apple is starting to see its single-product cash cow business model begin to fall apart.

Apple pulls botched AI news product
Half baked
Red-faced cargo cult Apple has pulled its AI news product after it was universally declared as accurate as a Russian government announcement about the Ukrainian war.