Maze Alpha is another bezel-less phone
Published in Mobiles

Newcomer brand

It looks like that the main theme from China-based manufacturers for 2017 are the bezel-less phones. The new player called Maze is planning a phone with a tiny bezel. The phone resembles the now famous Xiaomi Mi Mix and there is no fix launch date for this product. 

Blackberry wins arbitration case against Qualcomm
Published in Mobiles

Claims it was overcharged.

BlackBerry shares surged 18 per cent after the troubled phone maker won a $815 million award from Qualcomm.

Ballmer: I would do Windows phone differently now
Published in Mobiles

Regrets, I’ve had a few

The shy and retiring, softly spoken and delightfully understated former Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, has been talking to Bloomberg about Microsoft’s failed move into mobile.

Qualcomm files counterclaims to Apple lawsuit
Published in Mobiles

Fight fire with fire   

Qualcomm’s executives were untraditionally vocal after the Apple lawsuit. Now they've came up with counterclaims and answers to back up their case against Apple. 

Xiaomi Mi 6 comes on the April 19
Published in Mobiles

The second Snapdragon 835

Xiaomi Mi5 was one of the best priced Snapdragon 820 phones on the market and the company is planning to launch the Xiaomi Mi6 successor on April 19th.