Published in Mobiles

More countries fear iPhone radiation levels

by on15 September 2023

More investigations coming 

More countries are investigating if Apple's iPhone 12 has dangeriously high radiation levels, after France already declared its concern.

Belgium said it would review potential health risks linked to Apple's iPhone 12,  Mathieu Michel, Belgium's state secretary for digitalisation told Reuters that the Belgian regulator was looking into the matter after the French moves.

"We immediately asked the IBPT (Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications) for confirmation, or at least an analysis, and this is currently under way," he said.

Michel also asked the regulator to review all Apple smartphones, and devices made by others, at a later stage. However, he stressed that European standards were extremely cautious and there were no immediate safety concerns.

"So that's why today it's obviously a limit which is being crossed (according to the French regulator) and that's not acceptable, but in terms of health and safety, I don't think there's any reason to think that we're all going to turn into little green men."

We think that was a misplaced reference to the Incredible Hulk, but it was Spiderman and Godzilla who had problems with radioactive waste.  Following a comic book troup, those exposed to an iPhone 12 radiation should develop a super power where they insist that other people buy Apple gear and shares. 

The Tame Apple Press claims there is nothing to worry about because the iPhone 12 had passed the radiation test conducted by the French agency in 2021. Germany's network regulator BNetzA reiterated that the work in France could act as a guide for Europe as a whole and that it would examine the issue for the German market if the process in France had progressed sufficiently.

However, the Dutch digital watchdog also said it was looking into the matter and would ask Apple why the numbers were up, while stressing there was "no acute safety risk."

Portugal's telecommunications regulator ANACOM said it was monitoring and analyzing developments in coordination with France, and expected one of the two likely outcomes: Apple correcting the situation or, failing that, Brussels telling EU member states "to adopt proportional measures."

Britain, where the iPhone 12 met radiation safety standards when it was released, has not announced any plans in the wake of France's decision.

Last modified on 15 September 2023
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