Qualcomm acquires Nuvia
Analysis: Now has an in house custom CPU
Nuvia is a promising two-year-old startup with the outstanding possibility to disrupt the custom ARM-based CPU market. As of yesterday, Qualcomm has agreed to acquire them for around $1.4 billion.

AMD announces plans to acquire Xilinx
$35 billion biggest to date
News that AMD might acquire Xilinx was quite a surprise after the Nvidia–ARM consolidation, but not surprising. Using current stock and market value increase, AMD decided to make a strategic decision to play better in the data center, 5G, automotive, and fight against the Intel–Altera alliance.

AMD will most likely buy Xilinx
Data center strategy
It is impossible to get a comment from either AMD or Xilinx on this matter, but as far as we could ask around, AMD is going to attempt to buy Xilinx. The move will help the company’s data center strategy, and it is carefully targeted.

NUVIA raises $240M Series B Funding
Enough to tape out the Orion chip
The future of NUVIA is now brighter as the company managed to secure $240M Series B Funding, money that will be enough tape out the Orion chip. In the light of Nvidia – ARM acquisition times for a custom server architecture could not be better, ensuring NUVIA's great timing and future prove roadmap is the right way forward.

Nuvia Phoenix CPU is faster than all its ARM X86 competition
Datacenter power/performance leadership
We have reported that a hot new chip startup founded by ex-Apple and ex-Google engineer rock stars, got funded in the first round of financing with $53 million. Now, Nuvia is ready to share some preliminary performance and power numbers. Both power and performance are beating every mobile and server CPU core that exists on the market.

Huawei working on an AI GPU
As Apple settled with Imagination
Huawei, for the most part, relies on ARM IP. It uses the ARM Cortex CPU and Mali GPU cores for its SoCs. The company has high AI aspirations with its Ascend series of chips. Now recent rumors point out that the Chinese giant is setting up a GPU research center in South Korea and focuses on AI and datacenter.

Apple spied ex star CPU engineer
Analysis: Checked his cloud iMessages
A shocking development occurred as it seems that Apple has hacked Gerard Williams’ phone, and read his iMessages. Gerard Williams’ is an ex-star CPU designed that left Apple and now works as the CEO of Nuvia. All this to prove that Gerard was daydreaming on his job at Apple and had an idea to launch Nuvia while still at Apple.

Apple sues its former chief architect
Should have told us he was going to set up his own business
Apple is suing the former chief architect of its iPhone and iPad microprocessors, who in February quit to co-found a data-centre chip design.

Nuvia ARM server startup hires Jon Carvill
Austin office and Jon Masters from RedHat IBM
Nuvia is the new name that can disrupt the fallen ARM server market, and just ten days after announcing the company, it made another significant announcement. Nuvia hired Jon Carvill as Vice president of Nuvia marketing and Jon Masters from RedHat IBM as Vice President of Software and opened an office in Austin (home of AMD and Samsung).

Nuvia founded by ex-Apple, ex-Google engineer rock stars, funded
$53M series A to disrupt the data center
Nuvia is a relatively new name in the datacenter field, and the startup just got $53 million series A funding to re-imagine silicon design for the datacenter market. $53 million series A funding is a great deal for a startup, but the story gets an edge since it involves three key names in the tech industry.