Published in Graphics

AMD delayed Vega to ramp up volume

by on03 August 2017

At least that is what the company is saying

It appears that AMD has previously delayed the launch of its Vega GPU in order to have good volumes at launch.

According to HardOCP's interview with AMD's Senior Director of Global Marketing and Public Relations at RTG, Chris Hook, AMD has intentionally delayed the Vega launch in order to make sure that it  launchea with good volume. The recent popularity in cryptocurrency mining has affected AMD significantly and it was almost impossible to find some graphics cards, like the RX 580 or RX 570. Although there are still no precise details on Vega's cryptocurrency performance and hash rate, a significant volume will certainly be swallowed by miners. 

The recent popularity in cryptocurrency mining has affected AMD significantly and it was almost impossible to find some graphics cards, like the RX 580 or RX 570. Although there is still no precise details on Vega's cryptocurrency performance and hash rate it is safe to assume that at least some will go to that part of the market but, hopefully, previous decision to delay the launch of the Vega will also leave plenty of graphics cards for gamers as well.

With the launch of Vega, AMD has taken certain precautions in order to make sure that plenty of graphics cards will be reserved for gamers, like the newly introduced AMD Radeon Packs, which offer a bundle set of discount vouchers for motherboards, CPUs, monitors and game packs as well as apparently a healthy supply which should make sure that gamers will be able to buy shiny new Vega graphics cards from day one.

While there are still no performance numbers for the upcoming Vega graphics cards, AMD should have no trouble in selling its Vega stock, especially if the hash rate is right for miners.



Last modified on 03 August 2017
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