Microsoft’s new Xbox will not ship with reason to buy
Published in Gaming

Xbox Series X will not have true first-party exclusives

Software King of the World Microsoft has decided that its new Xbox, the Xbox Series X, will launch without true first-party exclusives – which some in the industry think is going to kill the console stone dead.

Ubisoft goes after DDoS website
Published in Gaming

Thou shalt not cheat and then take the mickey

Ubisoft is going after website selling DDoS services that were used to launch attacks against Rainbow Six Siege servers.

Loot boxes make kids gamble
Published in Gaming

NHS mental health director worries

Claire Murdoch, mental health director of England's National Health Service (NHS), has reignited the loot box controversy claiming they push young people into "under the radar" gambling.

Google Stadia promises 120 games in 2020
Published in Gaming

More than ten launch exclusives in 1H 2020

Google Stadia has got off to a bad start, but the service promises some big things this year.

Cyberpunk 2077 delayed to September 2020
Published in Gaming

CD Projekt Red needs five additional months

CD Projekt Red has confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed to September, an additional five months from the original April 16th launch date.