Published in Gaming

Microsoft bans 7 million Xbox accounts

by on17 November 2022

Breaching community guidelines

Software King of the World Microsoft has banned more than seven million Xbox accounts for breaching its community guidelines.

Vole's first Digital Transparency Report said that from January to June 2022, Microsoft banned a total of 7.21 million Xbox accounts. 4.78 million of these bans were proactive, and 2.53 million were reactive. This is more than the total number banned during the entire year of 2021, which was 6.72 million. Proactive banning happens before anyone has complained and reactive afterwards. 

It turns out that many of the accounts proactively banned were clearly disruptive to the platform. A further breakdown of Microsoft’s report sees 199,000 proactive bans enacted due to sexual content, 54,000 for bullying or harassment, and 87,000 for fraud. 

Apparently, the accounts banned due to phishing, piracy, and account tampering were 100 per cent the result of Microsoft working proactively and not reactively responding to players reporting issues.


Last modified on 17 November 2022
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