Rockstar has issued a new patch for Red Dead Redemption that addresses a number of issues that players had with the Undead Nightmare and Liars & Cheats DLC add-ons, whether you purchased the disc or downloaded it.
The patch arrives starting today for both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version of the game. The patch fixes a long list of problems and will finally address the issues of being unable to unlock some of the Achievements or Trophies associated with these add-on packs.
The biggest news is that the patch apparently fixes the problem of players getting stuck in the environment. The biggest of these issues of getting stuck seems to be most apparent when sitting in certain chairs during the Liar’s Dice game.
Apparently, players have been complaining of these issues for some time, but actually we didn’t encounter any of these issues when playing the add-ons ourselves. Still, it is good to know that the issues are finally resolved with the release of this patch.
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Patch fixes Red Dead DLC issues

Rockstar fixes long list of problems
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