Ford comes up with window for blind
Feel that view
Ford boffins have come up with an idea to help the visually impaired see the view outside.

Ford patents police car which issues tickets without stopping you
It can also plan ambushes
Ford has developed a patent for a police car that issues tickets without even pulling you over and an use AI to find good hiding spots to catch traffic violators.

Ford to expand in-car Alexa use
You can have an AI so long as it's black
Ford Motor wants to expand the use of Amazon's Alexa personal assistant in its vehicles to allow drivers to talk to their cars.

Nvidia doing well in automotive
Auto cash flowing into the graphics card maker
The driverless car market is expected to grow to $42 billion by 2025 and Nvidia has a cunning plan to grab as much of that market as possible with its current automotive partnerships.

Google and Ford to announce partnership on self-driving cars at CES
Ford to become first of many in potential partnership
According to the recent report, there is evidence for a good chance that tech giant Google and automotive giant Ford Motor Company may be partnering up at the Consumer Electronics Show this week to announce a joint partnership on self-driving vehicles powered by Google technology.