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More reports coming in of iPad delays

by on05 March 2010


Despite Foxconn denials

Despite the fact that Foxconn says that it is on target to push out iPads on time, analysts are not so sure. For a second time an analyst has come up with a statement that says the outfit can't deliver.

Think Equity analyst Vijay Rakesh issued a note to investors Thursday stating that checks with Taiwanese manufacturers "indicate some minor delays" in production of the iPad. Manufacturing of the iPad was supposed to pick up in February, but production volume for March remains low. Those problems are supposed to be temporary but could spoil a large launch in March.

"Our checks are indicating iPad volumes will pick back up to the 800k-1M units/month into April-May from the current 200-250K," Rakesh wrote. "We believe this is just a minor hiccup in a longer-term entirely new revenue stream and product roadmap for Apple."

He added that the delays do not appear to be from glass or manufacturing process which lets Foxconn off the hook. It told DigiTimes this week that there have been no issues in the iPad manufacturing. That report claimed that Apple would likely be able to ship between 600,000 and 700,000 units this month, and another million in April.

So who is telling the truth. Apple has a brilliant get out clause because it never has announced a shipping date, so if it is late, it can say that it was never going to launch that day anyway.

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