Published in News

Apple sparks suicide bomb threat

by on14 January 2010


Fanboy could face time

Apple staff
were dubbed humourless by a kid who thought it was a wizard wheeze to be Jobs' Mob's first suicide bomber.

Jason Barry, 17, wandered into the Staten Island Mall with a couple of his mate and typed a note on a display computer. He did not do it secretly he tapped it into the expensive toy in front of a staff member. Coppers said Barry wrote that he had threatened the your store and all its employees with a “bloody death.”

"...The innocent citizens that walk in will be eliminated." The note said that Barry would return to the store on Sunday with a 98-lb bomb of C-4 explosive "strapped to my chest."

Apparently terrorists like to give lots of warning and details to their victims and allow themselves to be filmed in advance so that the police can have a quiet word before the attack takes place. The thought of all that expensive gear being blown into the stratosphere apparently filled Apple store staff with such dread they took the threat seriously.

When coppers had a word, Barry told police the note was a joke. However coppers insist that in the wake of 9/11 every terrorist threat is assumed to be real. Unless you tell your dad that you are going to attack a plane and get on a plane with a bomb strapped to your leg. That is apparently safe to ignore.

Barry is facing a felony count of making a terrorist threat this carries a seven year prison sentence. We would have thought that a charge of being a twat in a built up area and being sentenced to a clip around the ear would have been enough. We are not sure that such a charge exists, but we would have thought it applied to anyone who entered an Apple store.
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