The French backed Junta of the United States, is now demanding that the Old Country obey its kangaroo courts. A New York judge has ordered Microsoft to turn over a customer's emails and other account information stored in a data centre in Ireland to the U.S. government.
District Judge Loretta Preska said it did not matter where the data was kept, it was all about control. We guess that since the US controls the world, she thinks her court trumps European ones. Microsoft said the case improperly extended the authority of federal prosecutors to seize customer information held in foreign countries.
Preska said she would suspend her order from taking effect to allow Microsoft to appeal her decision to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. If the ruling goes ahead it will effectively kill off any chance that Microsoft, or other cloud-based companies have of operating in the EU. It also means that if you deal with any US company your company secrets can be seized on the whim.
Needless to say a number of technology companies filed court briefs in support of Microsoft's position, including AT&T, Apple, Cisco Systems and Verizon. Lawyers for the US Justice Department said the warrant only required the company to provide documents it controls, just as US banks can be forced to hand over transaction records held in foreign countries.