A barking US Senator has decided that computer games need to carry health warnings.
Democratic Congressman Joe Baca has decide that rather than save his country from rampant economic woes he would rather write a law called the Video Game Health Labeling Act of 2011. This will require all "all video games with an Electronics Software Ratings Board rating of Teen or higher" to be sold with a health warning label that reads: "WARNING: Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behaviour."
The Bill has been countersigned by a Republican loony Frank Wolf. It seems that it does not matter which side of the political fence you sit on - you can still be incredibly stupid and elected in the US. "Just as we warn smokers of the health consequences of tobacco, we should warn parents – and children -- about the growing scientific evidence demonstrating a relationship between violent video games and violent behavior," Wolf said. "As a parent and grandparent, I think it is important people know everything they can about the extremely violent nature of some of these games."
Really? Unfortunately there is no evidence that violent games harm anyone's health. In fact as violent games sales increased, violent crime dropped. Everytime there is a study, they still can't make the link. US politicians keep listening to the voices in their heads which say "it must be true" despite the evidence. You know the voice. It is the same one which allows US politicians to drag their country into the 16th century by denying evolution.
Frankly US Senators should carry a health warning. They do more harm than good.
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US Senator calls for health warnings on games

We call for health warnings on US senators